Monday 7 December 2009


Skin. The ever-flowing waterfall of white pearls. Her eyes swirled, frosty with a thousand of Jack’s winters. Her fingers were icy, the bone bleached to a toothy ivory. Her apathetic. Snow-white hair, pale as white noise, spilled over her shoulders. Wintry lips, blue and powdered with snowflakes, form ashen, bleak, empty words. She, apathetic. I am freezing just from being in her presence. I am freezing, freezing, trying desperately to hold on to my warm heart, but it slips through icy fingers. I am freezing. Slowly. By her gaze, her words which seal me to my chill fate. I am freezing. I see snowfalls in her eyes. Empty deserts of white water. Freezing, I am freezing. I drown in her bleached complexion. Queen of apathy does not make sense to me. Brain freeze, loyal subject possessed. I shake. I freeze, while her smooth skin glitters maliciously. I’m stuck to her, like a tongue stuck to ice. I am stuck, I am freezing, I am an achromatic subject of the inhibited ivory queen. Ice drips from my fingernails, shatters, whilst I am freezing, freezing, trapped in the snowstorm of her eyes. My heart is a shard of crystal. I am as brittle and fragile as an icicle. I am frozen.

* * *

I'm not very well :( Terrible cold. This was written in creative writing again, one that Terra ran actually, based on synonyms for "cold" and "white" (in case you couldn't guess!). At Terra's suggestion, I'll probably be posting some psychology stuff on here sooner or later to bore you with :)


  1. Yay! How do you manage to write such amazing things in Creative Writing Club? It's not fair!

    Aww, fails! I hope you feel better soon!

    & please post some psychology stuff! I will be trés interested to read it! :D


  2. Thanks dhear! (lmao!) I'll post some as soon as I remember/can be bothered! xx
